The Agribusiness suite has the following components:
1. Farm Management Module
What is it?
This module is a farm management tool that provides automation of business operations in plantations of the cash crop, for example, tea plantations, sugarcane plantations and so on. It is integrated to the Easyweigh Handheld Harvesting Scale for weighing cash crops harvested and labor data collection.
This module offers the following functions to the ERP:
a. Management of Easyweigh terminals and cash crop harvesting. For example, for tea, the module manages the Easyweigh terminals and leaf harvesting. Tea leaf harvesting can be undertaken manually with hands or with a harvesting machine.
b. Recording of labor attendance, i.e. attendance by the pickers in the farms, for example, tea pickers, sugarcane harvesters, and so on.
c. Farm productivity analysis to monitor productivity of fields and estates (if any).
- Why use the Farm Management module?
i. It is useful in macro level crop planning and scheduling.
ii. It fosters efficient use of field level staff and improved communication with them.
iii. It saves operational costs.
iv. It is a multi user solution, hence it is highly scalable.
v. It can be customized as per your business requirements.
vi. Its modular approach helps in systematically managing farm related data.
2. Weighbridge Module
- What is it?
This module is integrated to the Weighbridge Platform, which records the details of trucks arriving at a factory from the field and the delivered volume of the cash crop harvested. It can automatically calculate for any given time period the volume of the cash crop harvested. It has a system for “agreeing” amounts where there is a dispute over the volume of the cash crop delivered from the plantations. There is a system for allocating loads to factories for manufacturing.
- Features:
This module offers the following functions to the ERP:
a. Automatic update of slip information from plantation data.
b. Facility for factory-wise allotment of manufactured cash crop.
c. On-line display of current status of crushing, for example, in tea.
d. Provision for editing the data /slip only by the authorized officer.
e. Daily reports of cash crop transportation and harvesting.
f. Section-wise cash crop weight reports such as tea weight reports from the operational area.
g. Classification of the grade quality of the cash crop harvested and weighed.
h. Day book of cash crop received.
i. Daily tonnage report of the cash crop harvested and weighed.
- Why use the Weighbridge module?
i. It is a highly consistent system in terms of accuracy, as we use state of art electronic and structural design.
ii. It has ease of operation even under most harsh condition. The down time due to break down is almost nil and hence the loss due to break down is also almost nil.
iii. It facilitates transport scheduling.
3. Crop Purchasing Module
- What is it?
This module is a main out-growers’ management system which is integrated to the Easyweigh Handheld Purchasing Scale, to weigh and store produce data and print delivery receipts for the companies who purchase the cash crop produce – for example, tea – from the farmers. Moreover, this module is the control point for the farmers’ scales where they are programmed and tuned for field operations.
- Features:
This module offers the following functions to the ERP:
a. It provides for use of mifare type of contactless smart cards to identify farmers and store produce data for each respective farmer.
b. To simplify setup and widen operating area, this system facilitates use of Bluetooth printers which are thermo type and battery operated using lithium ion battery for long life, with a coverage area of up to 20 meters and has automatic pairing. The printers print delivery receipts for the companies which purchase the cash crop produce from the farmers.
c. It opens procedure for cash crop produce collection.
d. It opens procedure for managing dispatch of consignments purchased.
- Why use the Crop Purchasing module?
i. It allows the farmers to update their crop production inventory.
ii. It is accurate in computing the weight of the cash crop produce the farmers offer for purchase.
iii. It offers reliability for the farmer, because the farmer is paid based on the cash crop purchased by a given company.
iv. This module makes handling of customers’ purchase orders – customers being the companies purchasing the cash crop produce – manageable even in the busiest of field operations.
4. Management Information System (MIS) Suites
- What is it?
It is a management system which provides automation of business processes in management of milk collection and processing.
- Features:
Our weighing solutions and software in Dairy Farming Business are integrated so as to:
a. Collect smallholder produce from the collection centers.
b. Accurately weigh the milk produce to the nearest 100grams so that farmers are not cheated on weighing using the manual scales.
c. Capture the weights on a smart card to ensure the record is retained by the farmer as we also deliver data to the cooperative servers using either our scales which capture data or using GSM (Global System of Mobile communication) technology.
d. Print the transaction receipt using portable thermal printers which deliver the receipt of milk to the cooperative ensuring that the absentee farmer has the actual receipt of all milk delivered.
e. At the cooperative gate, the milk collected from the field in trucks can be weighed using our weighbridge software module, so the farmer can rest assured that every liter of milk collected from the field is accounted for.
f. Support the payment to farmers based on the data collected during milk delivery using our M-Pesa linked software.
g. Link the cooperative with our SMS Farmer Information Server. The SMS service can also be used to report the milk weighed to the cooperative inspiring confidence in the milk process.
- Why use the Easyway ERP Dairy Business Suite?
i. Our weighing solutions and software are digital and up to date with current technology, so they are accurate.
ii. There is transparency of the information shared, with regards to the weights, between the farmer and cooperative servers.
iii. There is accountability, because the absentee farmer is given an actual receipt of all the milk delivered and payment to farmers is based on the data collected during milk delivery.
iv. It offers proficient customer service, because our SMS Farmer Information Server creates avenue for 3600 feedback between the farmers and cooperatives, therefore any inquiries that the farmers may have are responded to efficiently.