These are suites whose software is an enterprise wide modular application for managing the operations of an agribusiness, that is, Human Resource Management, Farmers Management and Manufacturing.

A. Human Resource Management Suite
This suite delivers comprehensive HR capabilities, from workforce management to compensation and talent management. Extensive business process automation and rich self-service capabilities enable HR teams to perform value-added services while reducing operational costs. It comprises an array of features, and the powerful reporting and analysis capabilities that farmers need to manage the workforce. The System transforms HR practices from administrative to strategic. It connects complete business processes, automates common administrative tasks, and leverages best practices to enable strategic management, along with efficient administration in Agribusiness.

The Human Resource Management suite has the following components:
I.    Personnel Module

  • What is it?

This module is a comprehensive, automated human resources management system which provides both general and financial information about workers as required for the day-to-day operations in the fields. It is a robust system, capable of storing detailed data for several thousand workers. Its architecture can be integrated with our Financial Suite in order to manage tomorrow’s personnel costs, today.

Moreover, when a worker’s personnel record is retrieved, all of their information is put at the user’s fingertips in an instant, whether the user is a line manager in the field, or the farm owner.

  •   Features:

a.    It can generate personnel action and wage distribution reports and percent effort of each worker in the field.
b.    It manages workers’ information and facilitates absence analysis.
c.    It provides high-quality, accurate labor data.
d.    It provides working time directive monitoring.

  • Why use the Personnel module?

i.    It facilitates performance reviews of the workers, as well as, of the line managers running operations in the respective fields.
ii.    It facilitates benefits enrollment for workers.
iii.    It guides new hire objectives.
iv.    It ensures the agribusiness motivates and retains the best workers in the fields.
v.    It reduces litigation, grievance, and audit risk with a single solution for applying, storing, and accessing workforce information.

II.    Attendance Module

  • What is it?

This module is a complete time and labor tracking system which records labor attendance of the workers engaged in different operational activities in the fields and generates time sheets. Moreover, it can be integrated with the payroll module, financial suite and manufacturing suite.

  • Features:

a.    It streamlines hour/labor tracking.
b.    It automates worker scheduling.
c.    It facilitates job costing of the job done by each worker in the different field operations.

  • Why use the Attendance module?

i.    It helps the farmer to systematically allocate or apply time to a work order for a manufactured item (for example, manufactured tea), production process, or preventative maintenance routine.
ii.    It offers Real-time access to actual job and task labor usage, which immediately identifies labor intensive processes.
iii.    It facilitates collection and posting of labor costs directly to the General Ledger for all elements of a worker’s job including preventative maintenance tasks.
iv.    It ensures data integrity in associating labor costs with a specific task as work order information is automatically reported directly into the labor tracking system of the module.
v.    It facilitates detailed reports which allow managers running the estates (for example, tea estates) to monitor and analyze labor productivity and job costing.
vi.    With the click of a mouse in the Attendance module, completed and accumulated hours are directly transferred to the Payroll Module and automatically calculate bonuses, overtime, as well as, shift differentials.

III.    Payroll Module

  •  What is it?

This module allows labor hours to be entered for all workers by activity. In addition, equipment usage associated with the employee can be entered and allocated along with production or performance information. In calculating the workers’ pay, overtime, bonus pay and minimum wages are considered along with all worker’s deductions and reimbursements and worker’s accruals (for example, sick leave).

  • Features:

a.    It enables farmers to prepare their wages in a short time.
b.    It facilitates a Coin Analysis sheet for cash-paid workers.
c.    It shows analysis of working hours against respective pay for each worker.
d.    It enables the farmer to identify sick days taken by a given worker.

  • Why use the Payroll module?

i.    It facilitates efficient accounts record keeping allowing the farmer to serve the workers better.
ii.    It fosters transparency offered through its digital software, because workers are paid as per their working hours in the key field operations.
iii.    It facilitates modern management of the workers’ pay, so workers are motivated to perform better in the key field operations.

B.    Farmers Management Suite
This suite manages records for farmers who delivers crop to the factory. The suite manages details from the size of the farm, to location where the farm is located to bank details for effective administration of farmer unit. It comes with a set of sub-modules namely Farmers Register, Purchases Module, Payments Module and Shares register.

The Farmers Management suite has the following components:
I.    Farmers Register

  • What is it?

This module records information about farmers / members i.e. farmers personal information.

  • Features:

a.    It automatically updates personal information of existing farmers, when there are any changes.
b.    Estimated production quantity and procured quantity for every farmer can be compared.
c.    Agriculture inputs offered to the farmers can be recorded.
d.    Information like land and crop details, cultivation practices of each individual grower can be stored for future reference.
e.    Irrigation, fertilizer, chemicals application management data can be maintained.

  • Why use the Farmers register?

i.    It increases efficiency in management of agribusiness, demonstration or research plots.
ii.    It maintains efficient record keeping, making it easier to trace a farmer’s details when needed.

II.    Purchases Module

  • What is it?

This module helps in maintaining the purchase detail of each quantity of crop produce by each farmer and dispatch of crop produce to the customer, which could be a company, as per the order received.

  • Features:

a.    It maintains ordering accuracy.
b.    It improves cash flow for the farmers.

  • Why use the Purchases module?

i.    It provides a high level of accountability of crop produced for purchasing.
ii.    Shrinkage or waste can be easily detected and traced back to operational areas, allowing the farmers to maximize return on investment for all farming materials.

III.    Payments Module

  • What is it?

This module accounts for all farmers’ payments and maintains complete accounts for each farmer. This module gets data from the farmers register and purchases module so as to keep accurate accounting for each farmer. All the farmer payments are made through this module.

  •      Features:

•    This module calculates payments due to a farmer taking into account:
a.    The volume of crop produce supplied.
b.    The quality tests carried out on the crop produce supplied.
c.    Deductions for transport of the crop produce.
d.    Levies.
e.    Penalties for quality failures.
f.    Deviations from agreed supply profiles.
g.    Bonus payments.

  •  Why use the Payments module?

i.    It provides for accurate financial records for farmers.
ii.    It maintains accountability, because farmers are only paid as per their crop produce purchased.

IV.    Share book (Shares register)

  • What is it?

This module records the number of shares each farmer has and maintains a comprehensive analysis of the dividends earned by each farmer as per the shares they have.

  • Features:

a.    Manages shares savings of farmers.
b.    Provides the basis for shares allotment to respective farmers.
c.    It undertakes dividend processing for each farmer.

  •  Why use the Share book (Shares register)?

i.    It encourages farmers to engage in investment, because the Share book shows the return on investment.
ii.    It encourages farmers to be more productive in agribusiness so as to earn substantial profits to buy more shares.
iii.    It is a valuable platform for farmers to have a source of working capital to expand a farmer’s unit.

V.    Loans and Credits Module

  • What is it?

This module manages financial loans and credits, in the form of tractors, herbicides, fertilizers, and other farming materials, given to farmers.

  •  Features:

a.    It manages the rate at which loans are granted to farmers.
b.    It shows a comprehensive analysis of how many credits have been given to each farmer and which credits have been paid for, after use.

  •  Why use the Loans and Credits module?

i.    It reduces costly calculation errors.
ii.    It reduces the farmer’s risk and bad debts.
iii.    It provides critical, consolidated information, any time farmers need to acquire loans/ credits.
iv.    It reduces accounting reporting time and increases its accuracy.
v.    It increases tracking of the loan/ credits repayments and their respective due dates.

C.    Manufacturing Suite
This suite manages the production, and warehousing and sales activities of the agribusiness of a farm.

The Manufacturing suite has the following components:
I.    Production module

  •   What is it?

This module helps to generate the complete plan for the production of crop produce in the farm. The module helps farmers decide on production activities to be followed in future relating to current resource capacity and plan available farming resources to match the requirements of the factory which is to supply the processed crop produce to the customers.

  • Features:

a.    It monitors day-to-day production progress of the farm.
b.    It provides reports on delivery schedule of the crop produced.
c.    It generates a production schedule where the scheduling is based on the priorities of production.
d.    It provides lead time – giving feasible quantity for cash crop to be produced.
e.    It undertakes planning based on customer-wise production advice and sales forecast.

  • Why use the Production module?

i.    It optimizes the utilization of manufacturing capacity and farming material resources using historical production data and sales forecasting.
ii.    It helps farmers plan production with the optimum utilization of all available resources.
iii.    It provides an option to make daily plans for production.

II.    Warehousing and Sales Module

  •  What is it?

This module manages the warehousing and sales activities of the farm. It is a system that reduces human errors by preventing crop produce from being put away in the wrong location, or picking the correct grade of crop produce but in the wrong quantity. This system follows the distribution process involved with finished products from the crop produce harvested, from delivery into the warehouse for storage through replenishment and picking processed finished products of the raw crop produce, to fulfill customers’ orders.

  • Features:

a.    It provides for inventory planning for replenishment.
b.    It undertakes physical inventory of crop produce tracking.
c.    It provides real-time information for inventory of crop produce available for sale, thus facilitates cash flow in sales.

  • Why use the Warehousing and Sales module?

i.    It guides sales forecasts, helping the farmers maximize productivity to earn substantial profits.
ii.    It facilitates flexible production cycles.
iii.    It provides for flexible pricing in sales, because pricing is based on the quality/grade of crop produce available for sale.
iv.    It offers return-on-investment (ROI) through space utilization, product turns and customer sales based on efficiency, responsiveness and accuracy.